We estimate that 10% of your Assets Under Management is the insurance revenue that’s embedded in your practice. If you’re not generating that revenue with your clients, it’s likely someone else is. Our goal is to bring that revenue to your bottom line. How?
Weekly Updates
We provide weekly updates on industry trends, product closing, or carrier updates to provide lift to your practice. Email Jeanne Keshishian to sign up for our updates.
Concept Training
Concept training for you or your team, to help find more suitable solutions, includes:
- Bi-weekly webinars on Concepts and Product Solutions. Third-party administrators will bring fresh ideas and support to your team.
- Personalized, individual concept training
Point-of-Sale Assistance
Need someone at the table to present the solution? Whether in person (when practical), or via webinar, Concorde Insurance Agency will provide point-of-sales assistance to help with case implementation.